Thursday, March 5, 2020

21 English Verbs connected to Movement - Intermediate Level English

21 English Verbs connected to Movement - Intermediate Level English Each of us has a different set of legs and arms and eyes, and we move different ways. Here you will learn 21 English verbs connected to Movement.  I also have a separate post for 6 different words for Walking in English so make sure to read that one too.   21 English Movement Verbs Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: BEND DOWNto lean down, to move closer to the groundex. She dropped her pen, so she bent down to pick it up.CHASEto follow someone in order to catch themex. ‘Stop!’ she shouted as she chased the thief through the park.CLIMBto use your hands and knees to go up on somethingex. From an early age it had always been his ambition to climb Mount Everest.DASHto go somewhere in a great hurryex. He dashed across the street to catch a bus on the other side of the park.HOPto jump a short distanceex. Kangaroos don’t really run, they hop. JUMPto push yourself off a surface and up into the air using your legsex. He had to jump across the stream as there wasnt a footbridge.LIMPto walk unevenly because of having a damaged leg or footex. He was limping really badly after being kicked on the ankle.MARCHto walk with a steady regular stepex. The soldiers marched proudly through the streets.PICK UPto lift something up, to collect and put things away in order to make a place look tidy and organisedex. Dont leave your clothes on the floor!, the mother said to her 15-year-old son. Pick them up!RIDEto travel on something. For example, you can ride a horse or your bicycleex. Riding your racing bicycle in the mountains is an amazing experience.Scroll down to learn English verbs connected to movement 11 21 English Verbs connected to Movement SLIDEto move something in continuous contact with a surfaceex. There was ice on the pavement and the children were having fun sliding down it.STAGGERto move or walk unsteadily as if you are about to fallex. The drunken men staggered home along the pavement.STANDto be in an upright positionex. There were no seats left in the room by the time we got there, so we had to stand at the back.LEAP  to jump a long distanceex. He had to leap over the gap to reach the other side of the hill.THROWto use your hand and make something to go through the airex. The children kicked the ball into our neighbours garden and asked him to throw it back to them.CATCHopposite to throw. If someone throws something to you, you catch itex. Jim stood there ready to catch the ball.LEANto move the top part of your body in a particular directionex. He leaned against the wall with his arms folded.SQUATto move yourself closer to the ground with your legs bent under your body and keep your weight on your heelsex. I ha ve read that you have to squat to have great legs.STRETCHto straighten your arms and legs to their full lengthex. Its important to stretch after your workout, it reduces muscle tension and increases relaxation.GRABto take hold of something with your hand in an abrupt or rude wayex. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it painfully.PUNCHto hit hard with your fistex. He grabbed me violently and then he punched me in the chest.

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