Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How to Practise Yoga for Beginners at Home

How to Practise Yoga for Beginners at Home How to Start Yoga at Home ChaptersWhy Practise Yoga at Home?How to Start Yoga at HomeEquipment for Your Home Yoga StudioThe Best DVDs for Home YogaYouTube Home Yoga Videos“Yoga means addition â€" addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul.” - Amit RayWould you like to start doing yoga but don’t have the time to go to group yoga classes? Are you looking for a way to relax without breaking the bank?Practise yoga at home! Yoga is for everyone, after all.There are excellent books, DVDs, and online yoga practice resources available.To start things off and make sure you don’t pick up any bad habits, you should follow our advice...yoga works on all your muscles through stretching movements.The benefits of yoga aren't just physical; you can gain a deeper awareness of the world around you, an inner calm, and relieve anxiety through mindfulness meditation as a complement to a gentle yoga routine.Once you start, you’ll quickly realise that it’s not boring either since there are so many di fferent types of yoga: Hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Kundalini yoga, restorative yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Yin yoga, etc.Find out what to look for when choosing your yoga mat...How to Start Yoga at HomeAre you ready to take your first steps into the world of yoga?As a beginner, it’s important that you make sure you’re ready to go in order to take care of your body and not injure yourself by attempting a challenging asana. Don't move onto an intermediate yoga pose before you've mastered the basics.Breathe and stretch! (Source: StockSnap)To get ready, you should:Make sure that you won’t be disturbed for between half an hour and an hour.Get your yoga mat readyPut your smartphone to silentPut on some music to help you relax and unwind. You could even put together a special yoga playlist that lasts the right amount of time.One thing you should definitely keep in mind: breathing, or pranayama, is an integral part of yoga. Make sure you’re breathing deeply during your exercises and sequence of yoga postures. You also need to focus on each breath.Here are three exercises for beginners to use with their yoga mat:Seated PoseSeated poses are ideal for starting your yoga sessions. It can relax your mind and body and encourages a good posture.Sit down. Keep your head, neck, and back aligned. Relax your shoulders, place your hands on your knees with your palm facing upwards and close your eyes. Be mindful of your breathing.The Chair PoseBend your knees while keeping them over your feet with your thighs as parallel to the floor as possible. Your torso should form a right angle with your thighs. Raise your hands towards the sky as you breathe. Place your weight on your heels so that your knees don’t bend too far forward.Search for yoga Manchester now.The Tree PoseThe tree pose works on your balance and strengthens the muscles in your lower body. Place your weight on your left leg and put the sole of your foot on your left ankle, move your right knee to the side, and then mov e your right foot up to your thigh. Keep your head straight and contract your abs and buttocks.Place your hands together as if you were praying and then raise them above your head. Stretch upwards, breathe, and hold this position for a few moments. Then do the same for the other side.Pick up on these techniques to master meditation...running with yoga...The Best DVDs for Home YogaHave you already learnt the basics and would like to go a little further? There are some great DVDs for yoga sessions in your own home, even for beginners!Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies, Sara IvanhoeThis DVD covers the basics of yoga and teaches you the 12 key yoga poses. Relax, learn different breathing exercises, and tone your body. This is a great resource with plenty of yoga for beginners.Yoga for Absolute Beginners, Susan FultonLearn quickly and become more flexible thanks to these exercises for beginners. The yoga poses are clearly explained and you can get your body moving along the relaxing music. P erfect for starting out.If you’re looking for something more dynamic, check out Susan Fulton’s Hatha Ashtanga Yoga series. You can quickly tone your body and rejuvenate the nervous system while learning how to control your emotions.Yoga to the Rescue for Back Pain, Desire RumbaughDo you have back problems or need to strengthen your back? Go with methods designed to improve your back muscles and alleviate back pain. You’ll also get rid of tension and improve the alignment of your spine.Yoga for Stress Relief, Barbara BenaghFind a relaxing and effective way to rid yourself of stress with yoga.Discover some of the best documentaries about yoga and meditation...YouTube Home Yoga VideosIn addition to DVDs, you can find plenty of videos on how to learn yoga on YouTube. If you don't have a yoga teacher training you, you should check out these digital yogis to learn more about yoga.Your yoga tutor doesn't necessarily need to be in the room with you. (Source: TheDigitalArtist)Yoga wit h AdrieneAdriene’s YouTube channel has a good range of yoga videos. You can do yoga for a variety of different reasons. Whether it’s for runners, for weight loss, or bedtime yoga, you’ll be able to find the right video routine for you. There are also a lot of good videos for beginners.Kino YogaKino, the host of this channel, is an experienced yogi and one of YouTube's most popular yoga teachers. His channel is a great resource for those learning yoga. If you’re looking for any particular pose, this is the channel you should go to first.Tara StilesTara Stiles created Strala Yoga, a dynamic yoga method that you do with music. Head on over to her YouTube channel. Without taking yourself too seriously, you can learn yoga exercises you can do to relax and for strengthening. If you’re expecting a special gift, why not try out prenatal yoga?So whether you're looking for spiritual healing, guided meditation, beginner yoga routines, there's nothing stopping you from learning how to do a few sun salutations in your living room and bringing your body and mind together.If you're completely new to yoga and would like more help, you should consider getting yoga tutorials from a private tutor. A lot of tutors and yogis on Superprof offer a free yoga taster session for the first hour so you can see if they're right for you.Now head over to our FAQ page for everything you want to know about yoga and if you would like to see some yoga documentaries, read our summary blog.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Use Apps to Supplement Your Spanish Lessons

How to Use Apps to Supplement Your Spanish Lessons Suzy S. Its nice to have a little help when learning a new language. But what if help were available at the push of a button? Good news it is! In this article, Spanish teacher  Joan B.  discusses  how to find and use the  best Spanish learning app for you Spanish lessons are a great way to build a strong foundation  so you can speak, write, and understand Spanish fluently. A large part of your success  during lessons is what you do in between them. Reinforcing and practicing the concepts learned  can make a huge difference in your learning. One excellent way to manage your time in between lessons is to use apps as a supplement. Apps  offer immediate feedback, fun and creative games, pronunciation help, and much more. A while back, tutor Jason N. shared his recommendations for the best apps for learning Spanish, and then Breanna D. followed up with 15 MORE Spanish learning apps; now, lets take a closer look at  ways to use these kinds of apps! 1. Reinforce concepts If you learned a new concept in your lesson, you might still be struggling with how it works, as well as incorporating it smoothly into your repertoire. Practicing a new grammar concept with an app like Open Language (for iTunes and Google Play) will guarantee that you use it properly and understand it thoroughly. 2. Get extra feedback Here’s where you can take the initiative so your teacher can help you even more. Since lesson time is limited, why not do some extra practice with an app like Lingualia (for iTunes and Google Play) to pinpoint problem areas and concepts that aren’t totally clear to you? Then you can rapidly address these areas directly with your teacher. When you’ve already done the detective work of identifying the problem, your teacher can help you more effectively. 3. Immerse yourself Practicing Spanish frequently  can make it much easier to recall what you’re learning, in addition to improving fluency. Using apps on a regular basis when you have a few spare moments (on the bus or waiting in line, for example) can increase the time you spend practicing  Spanish, which in turn increases  your skill  level. 4. Comprehension practice Another great thing about lessons  is the opportunity to practice comprehension  when your teacher speaks to you. You don’t have to lose an opportunity in between lessons â€" you can continue to practice dictation, listening, and translation by using an app like FluentU, (for iTunes) where you can listen to Spanish audio. 5. Improve your accent Apps like Rosetta Stone (for iTunes and Google Play) use voice recognition in exercises. This ensures that you’re not just repeating, by rote, a word with incorrect Spanish pronunciation as you try to learn it. Using apps that help you in various ways to improve your accent will ensure that you’re pronouncing words accurately the first time you say them. 6. Make quick progress for a specific goal Some of the best Spanish learning apps, like Duolingo (for iTunes and Google Play), focus on the most useful and common words. This can be a great way to achieve a specific level of fluency in a limited amount of time, such as for a business interaction or upcoming travels. The app can provide you with a path to identify what level you want to reach and how to reach it, in combination with your lessons. 7. Discover your learning style Some apps use a more visual approach, like Fluencia (for web), while others, like Memrise (for iTunes and Google Play), use memorization as a key tool. The key to using apps as a supplement to your Spanish lessons is to discover what learning style works best for you. Experiment with different apps to see what works. Once again, this will also help you with your lessons â€" you can share with your teacher what ways of learning are working well and which ways aren’t as effective. 8. Have fun with the language Keeping it fun and fresh as you learn is important to avoid burnout and frustration. Apps like Cat Spanish (for iTunes), which is humorous and educational with its game format and pictures of cats, will keep you engaged and having fun while learning. Keep these suggestions in mind as you look for apps with which to supplement your Spanish lessons. As you find some apps that work for you, try to make steady progress â€" often the apps will keep track of your frequency of practice and your score, so use it to your advantage as a motivation tool. Your hard work will pay off! Readers, what do you think is the best Spanish learning app? Let us know in the comments! Post Author: Joan B. Joan B. lives in Carmichael, CA and has been teaching high school Spanish for more than 18 years. Shes studied French, Arabic, and Italian and spent time living in Spain. Joan aims to help students improve on tests and increase their conversational ability when traveling to Spanish-speaking countries. Learn more about Joan  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Take Advantage of Online Tutoring- Read These 8 Tips

Take Advantage of Online Tutoring- Read These 8 Tips 0SHARESShare The buzz word in the modern learning world is tutoring online for the amenities it provides. How well you understand the advantages of online tutoring?    Read this to know. Improve your results- You could locate your learning gaps and follow remedial measures with the help of online tutors Specific learning help- The subject help and desired academic target you want like assignment solutions as in Math online tutoring. Can extract basic knowledge development in particular Math areas like Angles or Fractions or Triangles Feed backs and assessment reports- periodic reviews from the qualified tutors to strengthen your study skills and redeem your weak spots Up to date technology- learning in the same backdrop of technology to facilitate easy and familiar learning mode Convenience to the core- Your learning at your will and pleasure with scope for your preferences and choices in time, style , pace and tutoring Customized learning infrastructure- specific course ware to suit your needs and goals. Smooth and adaptable- you could vary the time, choose your tutor and pick up the help you want. No compulsion of any sort for any requirement Affordability-   you could   avail help within your budget or limit yourself to pay for only the help you need There are many web linked tutorial sites which offer unlimited services in the field. You approach Tutor pace. Com for any detail regarding their online services and find out the utility value they serve.  [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

An introverts guide to confrontation - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / An introvert’s guide to confrontation - Introvert Whisperer An introvert’s guide to confrontation Confrontation is probably in the top three of most introverts’ lists of ‘Things I really, really don’t like to do’. After all, confrontation is just a group meeting with added anger and intensity, right? Well, only if you’re doing it wrong. In fact, facing up to conflict can play to an introvert’s strengths and free up precious emotional energy to focus on more productive tasks. Bottling up a sense of anger or injustice, on the other hand, is likely to have damaging effects on your nervous system. And you don’t want to be that quiet guy in the office who explodes every so often. Get it out of your system, clear the air, and you’re more likely to be able to get on with your own thing without worrying whether your colleagues are correctly attending to theirs. The trick to confrontation as an introvert is twofold. On the first hand, you need to prepare your case by researching and thinking through the background to the area of conflict, defining your boundaries for yourself and a resolution or range of solutions with which you’ll be satisfied. This will make you more confident and more adept at dealing with the second part: remaining open, listening to the other guy, and responding in real time. Take it as an opportunity to learn, and remember that your voice will be heard more clearly by someone who in turn believes that they are being listened to. Listening may also help you to get outside your head and remain objective and practical about what has happened and what’s being said. That way, you can focus your criticisms on tangible mistakes, offences, and solutions, rather than verbally linking his offence to his character (i.e. ‘you’re late because you’re lazy’). Such statements are insensitive, unprofessional â€" and ineffective. This new infographic breaks down the ideal confrontation process into steps so you can be assured you’re arming yourself the best you can before you step outside your safety zone. Make yourself comfortable with confrontation, and you have one less thing to worry about each time you reach the office.

ACT and Scholarships Survey

HLC Announces Results of 2019 SAT/ACT and Scholarships Survey Huntington Learning Center, a leading test prep and tutoring services provider, recently completed its annual survey of college students about their SAT/ACT scores and scholarship dollars received. Responses on ACT/SAT results (2019) were as follows: Total scholarships awarded to Huntington students surveyed was $187 million, up from $140 million in 2018. Of the students surveyed, scholarship offers averaged over $71,000 per student. The average increase for students taking the ACT after completing a Huntington ACT prep program was 5.4 points. In 2018, the increase was 5.2 points. The average increase for students taking the SAT after completing a Huntington SAT prep program was 229 points. In 2018, the increase was 226 points. Eileen Huntington of the Huntington Learning Center says that Huntingtons test prep programs have proven successful for many years. We take an individualized approach, which is highly effective because our programs are designed to meet students needs and not as one-size-fits-all curricula, she says. The upward success trajectory of our survey findings confirms what becomes very clear during one of our SAT or ACT exam prep sessions: customized learning yields better results. Huntingtons positive news comes as U.S. News and World Report shares that more students in the graduating class of 2019 took the SAT than ever before2.2 million, a 4 percent increase from 2018. The increase is largely attributed to more states allowing schools to administer the test during the school day for free. More students from low-income areas and students whose parents did not attend college took the exam. Overall, median SAT scores (2019) for math and reading dropped slightly. Huntington explains that while score fluctuations are to be expected year to year, good test preparation makes a difference. When students have a good handle on their strengths and weaknesses and take the time to study carefully, they perform better, she says. At our 300 centers across the country, we have seen great improvement among students for that reason. Diligent, focused studying makes all the difference. For more information about Huntington Learning Centers exam prep services and how they help students perform better on the SAT and ACTand prepare for college successcontact Huntington Learning Center at 1-800 CAN LEARN or visit www.huntingtonhelps.com.

21 English Verbs connected to Movement - Intermediate Level English

21 English Verbs connected to Movement - Intermediate Level English Each of us has a different set of legs and arms and eyes, and we move different ways. Here you will learn 21 English verbs connected to Movement.  I also have a separate post for 6 different words for Walking in English so make sure to read that one too.   21 English Movement Verbs Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: BEND DOWNto lean down, to move closer to the groundex. She dropped her pen, so she bent down to pick it up.CHASEto follow someone in order to catch themex. ‘Stop!’ she shouted as she chased the thief through the park.CLIMBto use your hands and knees to go up on somethingex. From an early age it had always been his ambition to climb Mount Everest.DASHto go somewhere in a great hurryex. He dashed across the street to catch a bus on the other side of the park.HOPto jump a short distanceex. Kangaroos don’t really run, they hop. JUMPto push yourself off a surface and up into the air using your legsex. He had to jump across the stream as there wasnt a footbridge.LIMPto walk unevenly because of having a damaged leg or footex. He was limping really badly after being kicked on the ankle.MARCHto walk with a steady regular stepex. The soldiers marched proudly through the streets.PICK UPto lift something up, to collect and put things away in order to make a place look tidy and organisedex. Dont leave your clothes on the floor!, the mother said to her 15-year-old son. Pick them up!RIDEto travel on something. For example, you can ride a horse or your bicycleex. Riding your racing bicycle in the mountains is an amazing experience.Scroll down to learn English verbs connected to movement 11 21 English Verbs connected to Movement SLIDEto move something in continuous contact with a surfaceex. There was ice on the pavement and the children were having fun sliding down it.STAGGERto move or walk unsteadily as if you are about to fallex. The drunken men staggered home along the pavement.STANDto be in an upright positionex. There were no seats left in the room by the time we got there, so we had to stand at the back.LEAP  to jump a long distanceex. He had to leap over the gap to reach the other side of the hill.THROWto use your hand and make something to go through the airex. The children kicked the ball into our neighbours garden and asked him to throw it back to them.CATCHopposite to throw. If someone throws something to you, you catch itex. Jim stood there ready to catch the ball.LEANto move the top part of your body in a particular directionex. He leaned against the wall with his arms folded.SQUATto move yourself closer to the ground with your legs bent under your body and keep your weight on your heelsex. I ha ve read that you have to squat to have great legs.STRETCHto straighten your arms and legs to their full lengthex. Its important to stretch after your workout, it reduces muscle tension and increases relaxation.GRABto take hold of something with your hand in an abrupt or rude wayex. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it painfully.PUNCHto hit hard with your fistex. He grabbed me violently and then he punched me in the chest.

The Price of Peace Documentary to Air in April

The Price of Peace Documentary to Air in April via Pixabay.com This documentary is largely focused on war: how do we prevent it? What are we willing to pay for peace? Can this peace continue into the future through the lessons we’ve learned throughout history? Johan Norberg, Free To Choose Media Executive Editor, poses that penultimate question: What is the price society is willing to pay for peace? Norberg, an international commentator, author, presenter and editor, focuses on globalization, entrepreneurship and individual liberty. He continuously commentates/contributes on television and radio worldwide as well. The documentary is one-hour long as focuses on historical events that served as turning-points, focusing largely on the lessons we took away from these events. According to a recent press release, these events include: an examination of the present day situation in Korea not only through the lens of North Korea’s current nuclear capabilities and cross-border saber-rattling, but also with a cautionary tale of 1976 Korea Tree Incident from Brian Bishop, Major General, U.S. Air Force (RET) and former Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Command and U.S. Forces Korea and others who were there; delving into the human side of the equation, including a vivid interview with the son of Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov, the Russian commander widely credited with averting World War III in 1983; interviews with Falkland citizens and Sir Max Hastings, author and journalist about Argentina’s ill-conceived invasion of the Falkland Islands; linking together such diverse topics as pre-World War II Europe, where British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain proudly declares to a cheering crowd in 1938 that the Munich Agreement meant ‘peace for our time,’ to the Masai tribe of East Africa and their use of deterrence to protect cattle, and thus their society.” The documentary also includes a historical analyst, Victor Davis Hanson, who details conditions necessary to maintain peace. In addition, highly respected military, history and foreign policy experts lend their voices to the documentary as well, providing a depth of knowledge and experience necessary to such a discussion. The Price of Peace is a production of Free To Choose Media, which tells powerful stories that advocate for individual well-being and fresh perspectives both globally and nationally. Such an endeavor was funded by Robert and Marion Oster and L.E. Phillips Family Foundation, as well as by Sarah Scaife Foundation and The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. According to the  press release, the documentary is produced and co-directed by Kip Perry, Ellen Bentov serves as writer, co-director and camera while Thomas Skinner and Bob Chitester serve as executive producers. The full trailer for the documentary can be seen here.